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show details Apr 22 (4 days ago)
:: Andricev Venac 12, Beograd :: 011 / 32 - 38 - 789 :: office@o3one.rs :: www.o3one.rs :: |
Voyage Bleu / Plavo putovanje
Multimedijalni konkurs i radionica za studente
26. april - 06. maj 2010, O3ONE, svakog dana od 12h-20h
Povodom prslave stogodišnjice postojanja brenda Galuoisses, kompanija Imperial Tobacco Group, vlasnik ovog poznatog brenda, organizuje multimedijalni projekat Voyage Bleu – plavo putovanje, za kreativne radove iz oblasti likovne umetnosti, multimedije, grafickog i modnog dizajna (26. 4 - 6.5).
U cilju promovisanja duha kreativnosti, spontanosti, snage karaktera i slobode, Imperial Tobacco Group, raspisuje konkurs na kome ucesnici treba da daju svoje videnje slobode i urbanog. Ukoliko za vas izrazi kao: sloboda duha... nekomformizam... snaga licnosti... spontanost... radost življenja... razumevanje... prihvatanje drugih... fleksibilnost stavova... sopstveni pogled na svet koji nas okružuje... – predstavljaju nešto poznato, nešto s cim živite svaki dan - onda ste spremni da se pridružite na Plavom putovanju – Voyage Bleu!
Svoje radove, svi zainteresovani mogu da predaju tokom trajanja radionica koje ce se održavati u O3ONE-u, od 26. aprila - 6. maja 2010. godine, koje ce voditi moderator iz oblasti koje su zastupljene na konkursu.
Nagrada za najbolji rad ce biti dodeljena u novcanom iznosu školarine za jednu godinu studija u Srbiji, dok ce druga i treca nagrada biti Inter rail karta za put po Evropi i trista eura, kao i lap top. Radovi koji se na najbolji nacin približe ideji slobode i urbanog, bice i ucesnici završne izložbe ovog projekta.
Voyage Bleu / Blue journey
Multimedia competition and workshop for students
26 April - 06 May 2010, O3ONE, daily from 12h-20h
Celebrating the one hundredth year of the brand Gauloises, company Imperial Tobacco Group, the owner of this world famous brand is organizing a multimedia project Voyage Bleu – the blue journey, for creative works from the fields of fine art, multimedia, graphic and fashion design (26th April - 6th May).
Aiming to promote the spirit of creativity, spontaneity, the power of self and freedom, Imperial Tobacco Group is opening a competition where those taking part should present their vision of freedom and urban life. If expressions like: Freedom of spirit...non-conformism...the power of self...spontaneity...the joy of living...understanding...accepting of others...flexible views...individual way of looking at life... – sound familiar, if they are the way you live you life – it means that you are ready to join us on the Blue journey – Voyage Bleu!
All those interested in taking part, should bring their work to O3ONE gallery, while the workshops are on from the 26 April until 6 May 2010, led by the moderators from the fields which are included in the competition.
The award for the best work shall be equal to the cost of one year of the Serbian university fee, the second and the third place will be awarded with the inter-rail ticket for a trip through Europe, three hundred Euros and a laptop computer. Those works which are chosen as the ones which portray best the ideas of urban and freedom will be a part of the final exhibition of the project.

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